Best qualities based on Zodiac signs
Believing in the stars is something that might seem a bit far fetched for some, but for those of us who look to them for wisdom and guidance, they’re more than just dazzling lights in the night sky...
Types of HoroscopeThe Signs work the same way. Each of the twelve Signs is a unique combination of one of the four Elements and one of the three Qualities. The Elements and Qualities demonstrate that we are all part of the environment.
ZodiacThe Zodiac, or "circle of animals" is a zone or belt in space projected onto the celestial sphere through which, from our viewpoint, the planets move. A symbolic geometric construction around 15 to 18 degrees wide, it is divided into 12 signs,...
Psychology of the Major ArcanaTarot cards are a form of divination which assist in allowing a sneak peek into a potential future. A common misconception is that the future is set in stone, and when the cards fall- that is your fate. It may be a bit unorthodox to the orthodox tarot reader...
History of TarotThe tarot is the mirror that reflects back to you the hidden aspects of your unique awareness. Tarot is one tool which shows us to rely on the wisdom of our inner guide.
Transurfing TarotAlso known as Tarocchi dello Spazio delle Varianti. Nobody forbids you to choose the destination of your liking. Getting to the destination, boils down to something very simple: make the choice. Transurfing answers the question "how?".
Brad and Angelina's divorceThey were the King and Queen of Hollywood. The ultimate power couple. Brad, an apparently free-wheeling Sagittarius and Angelina, a cerebral and beautiful Gemini. Is his epic love with Angelina Jolie over for good…or could they reconcile?
Moon in AquariusMoon in Aquarius people are extremely observant. They are life-time students of human nature, loving to analyze why people do what they do. This often stems from a detached - even shy - personality, especially in youth.
Hearts desire numberYour Heart's Desire number reveals your desires at the very deepest level, and ultimately explains the reason for many of your actions. Many times these desires are so deep they are invisible even to ourselves -much less to others - and therefore can take many years and much self-realization to surface...
What is energy body?Our body is energy. Emitting radiation, it also receives radiation. Our every physical and mental action requires a certain energy potential and redirection of energy by physical and psychological means. The circulation of blood, liquids, gases and electricity in the body are energy processes.
Difference between magic and mysticismMysticism is a way of looking at the world, seeing all of creation as a mystery, and acknowledging that it is a mystery, and special for being mystical. Magic is the direct or indirect manipulation of reality by unseen or difficult to perceive ways.
Shocking secretScientists discoverd a shocking secret hidden beneath the easter island heads of Rapa Nui. The enduring image most of us have of the mysterious heads on Easter Island, are simply the huge heads....
Modern psychology and tarotReading through the meaning of each Tarot card, it is common to wonder where the interpretations originated from.
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Mayan prophecySPIRITUALITY
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Elephant figuresSPIRITUALITY
Etheric and Mental projectionKARMA & BIOENERGY
John Raphael and the tower treePENDULUM
Pendulum for chakra balancingICHING & REIKI
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