Reiki is a powerful tool that can open your spiritual gifts or speed up the journey. All Reiki practitioners, no matter what level they are, have gone through an attunement process.
This attunement opens the crown chakra, the heart chakra, and the chakras located within the palms. The practitioner is also provided with ancient healing symbols. These symbols work to activate energy shifts within and around us while manifesting profound healing for the self and other people, situations, or things. Once the attunement is complete, the chakras of the new practitioner are opened and prepared to assist themselves and others on the spiritual path. The practitioner is able to access the gift of Reiki energy and divine light any time it is thought of, but more so it cleans and opens the chakras so they are able to work at their full potential.
Should one fall out of touch with Reiki, the chakras remain sensitive to divine energy and can quickly open and clear low energies with the use of healing attunements, symbols, and intent. The more a practitioner utilizes divine energy, the more the practitioner is cleared of energy that does not suit his or her higher purpose. When a chakra is open we are at our fullest potential to access spiritual gifts because the upper chakras resonate with higher level intuitive and psychic abilities. The person also experiences a higher perceived vibration because of the chakras opening and the lower level energy is cleared.
Angelic ReikiAngelic Reiki is a safe, natural, high frequency, multidimensional system of Angelic Healing and consciousness expansion that allows connection through the Angelic Kingdom of Light to your Soul energy in order to bring through powerful healing; yet it is simple to learn, easy to use and a delight to receive.
Reiki and HerbsYou must be wondering how Reiki and herbs can be connected and used on seeing the title of the topic, but from my personal experience herbs play a major role in opening the chakras, balancing or harmonizing them.
Inspirational Quotes from Lao Tzu’s Tao Te ChingLao Tzu (The Old Master), also know as Lao Tse, Lao Tsu or Lao Zi, is a personality clouded by doubt and historical uncertainty, as far as facts about his life are concerned. Historians and scholars have been trying for centuries to create an accurate biography for Lao Tzu without much success, as two or three historical figures seem to identify with him.
tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01