10 Amazing stories of Twin telepathyAmong the many myths and mysteries surrounding twins is the idea that they share a special connection, perhaps even a supernatural ability to communicate. There are too many amazing stories of twin incidences to discount the concept.
Mars in Sagittarius – March 6 through May 27The transit of Mars has a general but indeed important influence over human behavior. It describes how people respond when they are angry and how we react to the anger in others. It describes how we handle our energies, for anger or accomplishment.
Mercury enters Pisces on 19. MarchOn the 19th of March, 2016, the planet of communication – Mercury will be entering the Sign of Pisces after a rough journey through the Sign of Aquarius. This transit in the watery Sign will not be a very positive one, as it happens to be the debilitation Sign for Mercury.
20 Ways to use your healing CrystalsThe technique of using crystals and gemstones on the receiver's body for healing is called laying on of stones. It is a powerful method of cleansing negative energy, clearing and balancing the chakras, effecting emotional release...
Guardian angel lineThere are many different ways in which an individual’s personality has been linked to certain physical parts of the human body. The one attribute that stands out above the rest seems to be our hands.
Parmod SharmaParmod Sharma was born in India in 1944. When he reached the age of two, he told his mother that his wife in Moradabad could cook for him, so she did not have to. Morabad was 145 kilometers (90 mi) away from his birthplace, Bisauli...
The Stormberger PropheciesIt was on or about 1830 that Matthias Stormberger, a lowly cow herder at Rabenstein, Germany, recorded some remarkable visions of the future. This man from out of common stock gave such specific descriptions of a future world...
Stress triggers for zodiac signsMost people inevitably feel stressed from time to time, due to anything from job demands to financial worries to health problems, or other issues we all deal with in this modern world.
Children’s past livesMany children remember their past lives spontaneously, without hypnosis or prompting. Some as young as two and still in diapers blurt out, “I remember when I died before” or “My other mommy had curly hair”.
Most famous case of reincarnationThe practice of reaching past lives through hypnosis is controversial, primarily because hypnosis is not a reliable tool. Hypnosis can certainly help reach the unconscious mind, but the information found there is not reliable as truth.
Protect your childrenChildren are naturally energetically sensitive and many see auras, spirits, and other energy forms. The challenge for children is to not be afraid when they can see or feel what others can’t.
Twin telepathyTwins are often telepathic with each other creating these abilities when they are infants. they generally are in the same frequency at the same time and learn to communicate with words. very often it is just about a single thought - hunger.
Why are you attracted to bad people?What attracts us to people we know will inevitability hurt us? If you were to consider that fact that the current divorce rate in America is more than 50%, it’s clear that women and men are frustrated with the opposite gender.
The third eye?The third eye (also known as the inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept referring to a speculative invisible eye which provides perception beyond ordinary sight. The third eye is our ability to see what might be, to see potential.
Young moon in piscesThis Pisces Young Moon on March 8-9 is closest to Earth and so has a stronger effect on the tides and our bodies and emotions, but it is also the first of four eclipses this year. A new door opens, a new story begins.
The prophetic revelation of a jewish teenJewish 15 year old boy who had a prophetic vision during his Near Death Experience reveals what he saw. This boys vision has taken many in Israel by surprise and the information he reveals is interesting.
TelepathyTelepathy proponents point generally to controversially scientific concepts such as psychology and quantum mechanics, as areas of research that are considered to be deeply based in the scientific method.
Illusion of realityTime: it’s no doubt a confusing topic, and it gets even more confusing the more we try to unearth its secrets. Physicists have been examining the workings of time for decades,and the results published about it are mind-altering to contemplate.
Soulmates telepathyYou may wake up some mornings with an unexplainable feeling of rejuvenation, as if you have had a great romp in bed. You have soul traveled with your telepathic love. Telepathy is found in romantic relationships, lovers begin to sense what the other is thinking.
Difference between Harmony Ball and Dream BallWhether called a Harmony Ball, a Bola or Druid Ball the similarities are that it is seen to be a piece of jewellery, it includes a chiming ball and in most cases has cultural, regional and family heritage significance.