From february 14th to march 5th, planet Mercury transits through the sign of Aquarius. These are some of the affects the planet will have on josbs and new opportunities are comming, you probably have not expected.
All the jobs that you started at this time are under a lucky star and from the very beginning they will be followed by happy circumstances. Now, do not expect great fortune and wealth, because some deals are very large and attractive... But with some effort, the first really significant tangible results occur rather quickly, because of the entry of Jupiter in the sign of Libra, what means the last quarter of the year.
Attention is required at the end of Mercury's walk through the sign of Aquarius. Read here what you should pay attention to.
It is great if you are thinking about investing, but think carefully of each step to avoid some mistakes. Also, if you are not completely sure about the new job, do not give up, but do your best and stay on current work, as long until you get the security of a new job. You can not make big mistakes with new jobs, but that's a possibility of some minor problems.
Empathy and humanity are becoming stronger. Thus the activities of humanitarian organizations will be very direct and open and will be based on a large number of new ones. They occur all over ideology and concepts, which are fighting for a new, more liberal way of life and will eventually integrate into the growing political trends, and this will be very progressive.
Great success of pupils, students and all those who attend certain educational processes are predicted . If you're just thinking about the same-start now, it is a very good period. And a little tip - Mercury is exalted, and every exaltation is prone to exaggerate their abilities, which means you must carefully learn the material and be regular in the fulfillment of your obligations and the results will not be smaller than you deserve.
Health & world stage
It seeks to eliminate the backward thinking and religious norms, which preach suffering, guilt and remorse. It is worth trying to create a wider religious community, based on an individualistic conception of life and the reconciliation of religions. The biggest expansion will experience philosophical lines, which are based on divination skills, esoteric and contemporary psychology.
Related to health issues, positions Mercury in Aquarius conjunct Venus and large sextile to Saturn and Uranus, gives them a lot of easier mobility related to new health treatments.
The combination of alternative and conventional medicine should now become imperative. General vitality will be a lot better than in previous periods.
There may be minor interferences with cardiac patients, people who have problems with high blood pressure, veins, circulation and with the respiratory system. With the exception of the period of the release of Mercury from the sign Aquarius and enters Pisces - from march 3rd to march 10th. Then the problems relating to those organs will be increasingly active. This is why you are advised to pay more attention to your health.
On the world stage, very important negotiations will be hold. More money is allocated for the development of science and technology. It is noted much more expansion of leftist movements around the world.
Now it creates a fertile ground to take major steps in the implementation of social reforms, reforms of pension insurance, the creation of new social programs and initiatives. Implementation of plans and reform the school system will take place and create better conditions of life for everyone.
Brad and Angelina's divorceThey were the King and Queen of Hollywood. The ultimate power couple. Brad, an apparently free-wheeling Sagittarius and Angelina, a cerebral and beautiful Gemini. Is his epic love with Angelina Jolie over for good…or could they reconcile?
Moon in AquariusMoon in Aquarius people are extremely observant. They are life-time students of human nature, loving to analyze why people do what they do. This often stems from a detached - even shy - personality, especially in youth.
Five reasons why Aquarius is never satisfiedBeing in your 20s is crazy enough as it is, but for Aquarians, it can be particularly hectic. We’re restless in a world of change.
tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01