Lunar Sagittarians have a simultaneous need for activity. Meeting new people, going out in the world, and travel are all important to their sense of well-being. They love open spaces, and, in their homes, a roomy and bright environment.
More than anything, Lunar Sagittarians have a need for personal freedom and space. They are extraordinarily happy and easygoing folk, as long as they don't feel caged in or cooped up. There's a bit of a teacher in Moon in Sagittarius, and definitely a helpful spirit. They easily forget appointments and the like, and some are even considered irresponsible. However, it is hard to stay angry at a Lunar Sagittarian! They are so cheerful and upbeat, and their optimism is catchy.
Many people with this position are outdoorsy types. At the very least, they have a great love for friendly competition. When the going gets tough, these people run away. They don't like to be caught up in routine for too long, and they simply need to escape.
There's a blind faith in Lunar Sagittarians that is admirable. They simply believe that everything will work out. Not much for making detailed plans, people with Moon in Sagittarius prefer to wing it. They're very adaptable and generally on the go. They are simply good at cutting through nonsense and carving out the truth. Because of their universal nature, they are less focused on themselves or on the dynamics of the relationship which frees them to see things and understand people from a removed, larger, and more unbiased perspective.
Sagittarius moons are not innately aggressive or combative. Having conflicts doesn't suit their easy going nature. It's sometimes easier to just tell a little lie than have a battle. However, for those Sagittarius moons who are willing to fight it out, battles of a subtle nature can ensue for longs periods of time. They will spend years trying to get their way. Direct battle isn't their style. Rather, they stand their ground and persist while giving constant reminders of their stance on the issue until the other person simply gives in.
In the end, what the Sagittarius moon requires for happiness is freedom. They really do want to be genuine, and if given the freedom to do so, they choose this course every time. It's other people who get in their way and confuse things. They are not a relationship sign and so they do not want to answer to other people. Their desire is to experience and shine in the world. Freedom to explore everything the world offers is their greatest joy.
Their slightly removed, universal perspective also gives them a dry, witty and often sarcastic sense of humor. They use their ability to assess people and situations for the sake of humor quite often and aren't shy about it. They call things as they see them and have a way of speaking that is blunt and yet just tactful enough to be funny. This ability makes Sagittarius the only sign that can get away with saying just about anything.
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tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01