This Pisces Young Moon on March 8-9 is closest to Earth and so has a stronger effect on the tides and our bodies and emotions, but it is also the first of four eclipses this year. A new door opens, a new story begins.
All life is sacred. We are living in a sacred moment and sacred place. As we are beginning to see this new society and way of being, the old ways are rising to the surface in their most unconscious and virulent forms. The hatred, bigotry and bullying of the worst of the patriarchy is facing us. And we have to face them down.
On Tuesday evening, an especially potent Young Moon occurs in Pisces - potent because it's a Solar Eclipse. Because this solar eclipse occurs in the sign of Pisces, imagination, service, dreams, ideals, and compassion will be in focus. This eclipse is about new beginnings when it comes to taking a leap of faith, our beliefs, the acceptance of imperfections, imagination and intuition, selfless service, and dreams. The New Moon/eclipse falls on the Chiron/South Node conjunction in Pisces, triggering a mutable T-Square that also includes Saturn in Sagittarius and Retrograde Jupiter in Virgo (on the North Node). The conjunction with Chiron and the South Node implies a confrontation with the most sensitive, sore areas of our Soul, in order to clear emotional wounds and restore our wholeness; the opposition to Jupiter and the North Node, on the other hand, seems to indicate that acknowledging our losses can set us up for future gains.
The dissonant aspect to Saturn is a reminder that we’re tasked with working within existing limits, confronting our sense of deprivation in order to rise above it, and turning the current limitations to our agency in our own favour, as they can allow us to synchronize our timepiece with that of the Universe. Saturn represents those cosmic, immutable laws that orchestrate the flow of Tao; knowing and honouring them can be the most effective pathway to freedom and inner peace. Since our sensitivity might be off the charts, Saturn also reminds us of the need to set protective boundaries to avoid the “psychic sponge” effect: with so much receptive, Yin energy in the air, we’d all do well to ditch whatever circumstance or person makes us feel vulnerable, and make time for retreat. As the last sign of the Zodiac, Pisces invites us to go inward and just be: it’s in this inner, numinous place that we can allow it´s oceanic vibe to quiet us down in a contemplative state, and let our inner guidance emerge.
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon gets between the Sun and Earth; as her dark silouhette occults the bright Solar disk, her umbra is cast upon our planet. The usual New Moon symbolism as a time for emotional and spiritual reboot thus becomes even more cosmically charged, and more in sync with the Piscean gifts of intuition and surrender: our egoic urgencies and self-importance (the Sun) are blocked out of that sacred space in which we blend with life and rest in the silence of beingness.
We’re free to ride the wave of inspiration and embrace the flow, instead of wasting our psychic energy questioning the direction. True, in the dark of a Pisces New Moon/Eclipse, forward momentum might be slow or even nonexistent - but staying centered in a state of heightened perception and non-empiric knowledge without the need of proof or reassurance is one of Pisces’ strength.
As soon as we tap into our innate wisdom, allowing the cosmic balance to shine through us, there is no need to wait for tangible signs of progress - we just know. Intentions seeded at this time should keep in spirit with the Piscean vibration, and come from a place of acceptance, faith and humility. This is a mystical, ouroboric New Moon that gathers artistic, spiritual, compassionate, divinely inspired thoughtforms and gently carries them into gestation. While this might sound too vague for some (that’s the nature of Pisces, after all), the rather dense narrative showcased by the New Moon chart in terms of aspects to other celestial bodies sheds further light on the additional layers of significance.
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We can be made whole again when we embrace our past, who we have been and what we have made of ourselves. Our true Self has been over-shadowed with a false story concerning guilt, unworthiness, money, power and hubris. So the Solar Eclipse and the entire month of March is a time to choose to stay present, awake and aware- to not go back to sleep, to not bury your head in the sand, to not stay in denial about your past and your sole responsibility for it that has brought you to today.
This month is ripe with major opportunities for karmic completion which will then free you up for dramatic shifts and evolutionary leaps just around the corner! But you cannot spiritually bypass what is up for you right now- as the deep, intense, karmic energies afoot are the eye of the needle you must move through first before you can get to the other side.
Sensitivity of feeling is acute and boundaries between each of us dissolve when the Moon is passing through Pisces. We've got a heightened sense of empathy, and can show compassion for human struggles and weakness. Pisces is a water sign, the element of great feeling. We all have insecurities. Those wounds that are hard to heal. Do what makes you whole. Do what empowers you. Forgive yourself for having to go through so much pain. Forgive others for not being there for you. Practice the Law of Acceptance. Do not resist what is happening. Flow with your life.
We're apt to root for the underdog, lift up the lowly, and try to soothe the wounded. We may get overly involved in the problems of others, and temporarily lose ourselves in the process. It's wise to watch out for those who prey on the good will of others at this time. Young Moon will bring you a lot of new relationships. Be a vibrational match to your heart’s desire. Act as if you already have what it is you want. Be the soul mate to you that your heart desires. Be your own best friend. Love you. Love Life. Love.
When the Moon is in Pisces, we swim in imaginative currents that go beyond the normal limits of space and time. It's a mood when symbols, music and images convey the messages of the soul. This happens through art, dance, film, photography, theatre and play. A Pisces Moon native is artistic, kind-hearted and has a poetic soul. A gesture or wise look tells another what words can't. With the Pisces Moon, we're wrapped up in the mystery that has infinite meaning, and never try to grasp too tightly to its form. It's a great time to nourish the imagination.
Especially carefull schould be people with cardiovascular problems and asthma. Increased risk also exists for mentally ill people, which could lead to vulnerability, suicide and aggression. It also could be dangerous for people with addictions. If you are planning a surgical procedure, it is advisable to avoid any kind of them, death rates are very high, until 12th March.
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tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01