Claircognizance means ‘clear-knowing’. Claircognizants ‘know’ certain things without being told. For claircognizants, their Higher self or Spirit Guides put information (in the form of thought) into their mind.
All claircognizance is characterized by this strong sense of knowing that goes beyond logic and by the fact that the intuitive information comes into the thinking mind, not into the heart or the mind’s eye. Claircognizants tend to be very mentally-oriented people. They are often analytical and are good at understanding abstract concepts and solving problems.
As children, they seem to know too much and have an answer for everything. They were probably labeled ‘know-it-alls’ growing up.
Claircognizance is no less powerful for being subtle. Anyone who had channelled information in written form (this is called ‘automatic writing’) is utilizing their claircognizance. When you’re thinking, your conscious mind is in control. When you receive claircognizant information, your conscious mind is only observing the information that is coming in and sometimes trying to interpret it-it is not generating the information.
The claircognizant information just comes from nowhere, and it often has nothing to do with what you were thinking about.
Your sixth senseScience recognizes the five senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. But it does not support the claims made by those who are psychic about the existence of a sixth sense that is able to tap into the unseen and the unknown.
Blocks to ClairvoyanceA few people who are natural clairvoyants never see any evidence of their gift. When this happens, it usually means there is a blockage or an energy leak at the third eye chakra. At the bottom of this there tends to be some trauma caused by having ‘seen’ something unexpected or unpleasant.
Telepathy in historyVery few anecdotal accounts of telepathy have been noted in many ancient cultures since historical records have been kept. In the Bible, some prophets appear to have the ability to see into the future (precognition, time travel, grid travel).
tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01