Clairvoyance can manifest in a variety of ways in different people. Clairvoyants may also receive messages through auras, which are energy fields that surround living beings.
Some people experience images in their mind’s eye during waking hours or even in dreams. Others receive these images during periods of relaxation or meditation when the mind is quiet and still. And other psychics meet a person and see symbols or numbers in their minds that represent something about that individual. Based on the color of these auras, as well as how much energy surrounds a person, a clairvoyant can delve into what that person is feeling and thinking, gaining a perspective on what that individual needs or what his or her intentions are.
Many people who have these psychic abilities will need to take some time to themselves to decompress, especially if they find that they are also empaths, or individuals who feel what other people are feeling and can absorb the energy, whether positive or negative, from a person who is near them. Therefore, they may choose to use certain tools in order to turn on their psychic abilities whenever they want to and then turn them off to get through the rest of their days without being bombarded by symbols, energy fields, and visions or messages.
Reading tarot cards and using runes are just a couple of examples of techniques that psychics can use to tap into their intuitive powers and gain insight and answers to questions they may have about their own lives or to help others get through tough situations.
Clairvoyance occurs differently in different individuals. Some people receive messages or visions in flashes for brief moments in time and they do not know how to read them until the visions actually occur in their lives or manifest in some other way. And some clairvoyants can’t control when they receive messages, or they may go a long time without getting any flashes of insight. And still others are clairvoyant to the point that they can predict events that are going to happen.
Your sixth senseScience recognizes the five senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. But it does not support the claims made by those who are psychic about the existence of a sixth sense that is able to tap into the unseen and the unknown.
Blocks to ClairvoyanceA few people who are natural clairvoyants never see any evidence of their gift. When this happens, it usually means there is a blockage or an energy leak at the third eye chakra. At the bottom of this there tends to be some trauma caused by having ‘seen’ something unexpected or unpleasant.
Telepathy in historyVery few anecdotal accounts of telepathy have been noted in many ancient cultures since historical records have been kept. In the Bible, some prophets appear to have the ability to see into the future (precognition, time travel, grid travel).
tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01