The word clairvoyance translates to “clear vision” or “clear seeing,” and an individual who has clairvoyance is referred to as a clairvoyant. His extraordinary gift is not one that everyone is able to use right away...
His extraordinary gift is not one that everyone is able to use right away like the other senses, though it is something that you can work on developing if you really put your mind to it. Although clairvoyance may seem evil at first or be viewed as something negative by certain religious groups, the truth is that, ultimately, it is nothing more than an extra sense that some people have learned to use. Some even call it a gift that should be embraced and used properly in order to help others.
While some people seem to be born with the gift of clairvoyance and come to use it naturally without any effort, it is something that is capable of being fine-tuned even in people who are seemingly not clairvoyant at all. A course that delves into psychic abilities and how to develop your own personal psychic power, for example, will teach you how to become more intuitive naturally and use your abilities to make sound decisions so that you can live a life that is fulfilled and joyful.
Your sixth senseScience recognizes the five senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing. But it does not support the claims made by those who are psychic about the existence of a sixth sense that is able to tap into the unseen and the unknown.
Blocks to ClairvoyanceA few people who are natural clairvoyants never see any evidence of their gift. When this happens, it usually means there is a blockage or an energy leak at the third eye chakra. At the bottom of this there tends to be some trauma caused by having ‘seen’ something unexpected or unpleasant.
Telepathy in historyVery few anecdotal accounts of telepathy have been noted in many ancient cultures since historical records have been kept. In the Bible, some prophets appear to have the ability to see into the future (precognition, time travel, grid travel).
tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01