Aquamarine’s name comes from the Latin for seawater and it was said to calm waves and keep sailors safe at sea. March’s birthstone was also thought to enhance the happiness of marriages.
Aquamarine is composed of beryl - beryllium bluminium bilicate, often with sodium, lithium, and cesium. Aquamarine embodies courage and protection. Aquamarine also stimulates intellect and spiritual awareness. It has been said that the mineral beryl gives the wearer protection against foes in battle or litigation. It makes the wearer unconquerable and amiable, and also quickens the intellect.
Aquamarine and emerald belong to the same family, but they are surprisingly different. Aquamarine and emerald are both beryllium aluminum silicates. While emerald is colored by trace amounts of chromium (and vanadium), aquamarine color is the result of iron impurities within colorless beryl crystal.
Aquamarine crystals are known to be large in size and relatively clean and well-formed, making them particularly valuable to collectors of mineral specimens. Corresponding Astrological Signs: Gemini, Pisces, Aries. Aquamarine is the birthstone for March and the gem of the 19th wedding anniversary.
The largest aquamarine of gemstone quality ever mined was found in Marambaia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 1910. It weighed over 110 kg (240 lb), and its dimensions were 48.5 cm (19 in) long and 42 cm (17 in) in diameter. The largest cut aquamarine gem is the Dom Pedro aquamarine, now housed in the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History.
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tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01