You need not be afraid of your bathroom. Love and care for it by creating excellent energy, and it will certainly love you back by not spreading doubtful feng shui energy throughout your house.
First, of course, you need to keep it clean and orderly. Not only clean, but sparkling clean. Because the energy in the bathroom is a bit challenging, feng shui-wise, any lack of order or cleanliness will quickly double, if not triple the negative quality of energy there, so be mindful and keep it sparkling. The less items you have in your bathroom, the easier it is to keep it orderly and clean; a zen lifestyle is earth-friendly and very easy to feng shui!
However, no matter which bagua area your bathroom is located in, colour white and light skin colours are excellent for the bathroom, just because they are so fresh and body friendly! White is also a metal element colour – the energy that cuts through unnecessary slowness, delays, confusion, etc, and warm skin colours are very friendly and welcoming for your body. So, even if you do not know the bagua area of your bathroom, if you stay with these two colours you will be on the safe side.
Avoid water feng shui element colours (blue and black) and strong water images, as these will only strengthen the energy you want to keep under control – the strong water element presence in your bathroom. Be sure to always pay attention to the quality of feng shui energy in your bathroom. It is not hard at all, and you will much benefit from it. If you put a bit of effort to create a feeling of spa in your bathroom, you can relax and just laugh at the bad feng shui bathroom reputation.
Essential Feng Shui tipsWe spend about one third of our life in our bedroom and about one third of our life in our workspaces. If two thirds of our lives are spent in these two places, we must ask ourselves how is the quality of the energy in these environments?
Feng Shui mirror placementFeng Shui Mirrors will double anything it reflects in your life. Ask yourself what it is that you want to double? Do you want to double your happiness? Or May be you want more sales, more customers etc...You can use feng shui mirrors to double anything in your life that it reflects.
Feng Shui and ReligionFeng shui is not a religion. Feng shui is the recognition or understanding of the laws of nature, and that there are certain universal patterns of energy. For every energetic force, there is an equal and opposite force. For every cause, there is an effect. This natural phenomenon exists whether you believe in it or not.
tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01