The energy of love is like sunlight, we all need it. Since feng shui is known to have the tools to help attract the desired energy into one’s life, much attention is given to various love cures and tips.
Transform your bedroom into a place of nurturing sensuality and healing beauty, a place that has balanced energy for two people, not just one. Be sure you genuinely love the way your bedroom looks and feels - from wall colour and window treatment to your bed linens and bedroom art. You also have to make sure your bed has balanced energy on both sides, meaning it is easy to approach from either side.
Transform your bathroom into a spa that has a healing and sensual energy that is also crisp and fresh. This is easier said than done, especially because we tend to ignore our bathrooms, while in feng shui they are considered important just because of all the potential negative energy that a neglected bathroom can create. In terms of a successful love relationship, this is a space, feng shui-wise, that holds quite a bit of power because it is regularly used for cleansing, purification and pampering one’s energy - which is a lot for one space! Be sure your bathroom is not only clean and organized, but also has a sense of beauty and spa-like pampering energy.
If you want to attract and enjoy a lasting love relationship in your life, work on expressing the energy of love. This can be done with various feng shui for love cures such as art, decor items, plants, etc. Most of all, try to feel love and be love; it will help you attract the energy of a loving relationship.
Being and expressing love means feeling totally loveable (which you are!) and not looking for love out of need, fear or insecurity. Feng shui can help you create a space that will support and strengthen your energy, thus allow you to feel secure in yourself, happy and loveable. It will also help you express the energy of love with various symbols (also called feng shui love cures), be it classical or modern.
Essential Feng Shui tipsWe spend about one third of our life in our bedroom and about one third of our life in our workspaces. If two thirds of our lives are spent in these two places, we must ask ourselves how is the quality of the energy in these environments?
Feng Shui mirror placementFeng Shui Mirrors will double anything it reflects in your life. Ask yourself what it is that you want to double? Do you want to double your happiness? Or May be you want more sales, more customers etc...You can use feng shui mirrors to double anything in your life that it reflects.
Feng Shui and ReligionFeng shui is not a religion. Feng shui is the recognition or understanding of the laws of nature, and that there are certain universal patterns of energy. For every energetic force, there is an equal and opposite force. For every cause, there is an effect. This natural phenomenon exists whether you believe in it or not.
tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01