Feng Shui (or Wind and Water) is the practice of arranging your environment so that energy or “chi” flows gently and smoothly through your home or business environment.
In this way your space just feels good-and supports what you want out of life-whether it’s a better career, new romance, improved health, or more income. Feng Shui is based on the concept that everything in your environment has a life force or energy called “chi.” Just as chi flows through your body, chi also flows your through living environment. When the energy flow is stagnant (think clutter and overflowing closets), moves too quickly (think long dark hallways, stairs, and straight shots through the home), or is obstructed (think walls, trees, or even cars in the wrong place), the unbalanced chi may lead to ill health, domestic strife, or financial concerns.
Feng Shui adjustments can help you make sure that the chi energy flow is just right so that everything in your environment supports your wish for good luck, good health, harmonious relationships, and prosperity. The practice of Feng Shui was developed in China over a 4,000-year period. Initially, people wanted to come up with principles that ensured their homes-and more importantly their tombs-were placed in a location that offered shelter from winter storms, floods, and blazing heat. As the practice of Feng Shui developed, people also started to consider architectural features, from the placement of fireplaces, windows and doors, to gardens and landscaping.
Essential Feng Shui tipsWe spend about one third of our life in our bedroom and about one third of our life in our workspaces. If two thirds of our lives are spent in these two places, we must ask ourselves how is the quality of the energy in these environments?
Feng Shui mirror placementFeng Shui Mirrors will double anything it reflects in your life. Ask yourself what it is that you want to double? Do you want to double your happiness? Or May be you want more sales, more customers etc...You can use feng shui mirrors to double anything in your life that it reflects.
Feng Shui and ReligionFeng shui is not a religion. Feng shui is the recognition or understanding of the laws of nature, and that there are certain universal patterns of energy. For every energetic force, there is an equal and opposite force. For every cause, there is an effect. This natural phenomenon exists whether you believe in it or not.
tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01