Indian horoscope, also known as Moon horoscope, has its origins in the Vedas, the oldest sacred texts. Indian astrology or Moon astrology system follows a calender based on constellations.
Indian astrology or Moon astrology system follows a calender based on constellations. It has the Moon in the centre. The Moon governs the mind and emotions. Moon is the fastest moving planet in the Zodiac and ‘no event is possible without Moon’s support’. Those who know a bit of western astrology would know that there is a ‘void of course’ principle in western astrology which means that if there are no aspects to Moon, no event will take place. As such, both the luminaries are given equal importance but Moon because it governs the mind has been given prime importance in Vedic or Moon astrology.
Based on the Moon Sign, Degree, Minutes and seconds at birth, those practising Indian astrology reckon ‘Dashas’ widely known as planetary periods, which were later also found in Persian astrology system as ‘Al-Firdaria’ or ‘Firdar’. Indian astrology makes it very easy because everything can be divided into smallest molecule of time.
Among all the systems of astrology, Indian astrology has the capacity to divide time to its smallest section, hence it is considered to be more accurate. In short, Indian Astrology consists of deepest knowledge of this noble and precise science of astrology, by using which one can foretell future and can take precautions before difficulties arise.
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tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01