Many children remember their past lives spontaneously, without hypnosis or prompting. Some as young as two and still in diapers blurt out, “I remember when I died before” or “My other mommy had curly hair”.
They often describe details that they had no way of learning in this life. Some remember startling personal details of relatives who died before they were born. Only recently here in the West have children’s past life memories been researched and documented. These memories have long been accepted in other cultures. Now we know that these memories happen naturally to young children in all countries of the world, regardless of the beliefs of their parents. They can happen any time to any very young child, but parents often don’t notice because they don’t know it’s possible or don’t know what to look for.
The vividness and emotional maturity with which toddlers relate facts from adult lives-and even tell of their deaths-signals that something extraorindary is happening here. These children have much to teach us. Children’s past life memories is a phenomenon with far-reaching implications for every person who is curious about the truth of reincarnation and wonders about their own past lives.
Understanding children’s past life memories is important
Children’s spontaneous memories offer the best evidence yet for reincarnation. Parents (and grandparents) of young children who are familiar with the signs can recognize the memories when they happen in their own children. So that everyone, whether parents or not, will see children differently, as experienced souls who have come to us for a reason. Because children’s memories resonate and legitimize adults’ experiences in past life regression therapy.
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tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01