For most people mind is a part of the brain and logically they say that is resides in the brain itself but in reality mind is not a physical part of our body, rather it’s a ball of energy or consciousness which is responsible for existence.
Mind is actually a big ball of energy which surrounds all around us extending upto 12 meters in diameter, with its centre near our belly button. This is one of the reason as when we feel excited we feel butterflies in our stomach region and also when we feel sad we often feel some kind of restriction near this area. This mind is the energy of which aura is a part. Although in some theories, its said that mind & aura are one thing but as per my experience I think aura is a part of mind. Mind is that super intelligent energy which is carrying out the necessary biological functions like breathing, supplying blood to various parts of the body, carrying the impure blood away from heart and taking impure blood towards the kidneys for purification. Now this mind is also divided into two main categories : Conscious and Subconscious mind.
Conscious mind
If we take the mind on the whole to be of 100%, then the conscious mind occupies 12% of the total space in mind. This conscious mind is also referred to as the Logical mind or the Analytical mind because the main purpose of this mind is to apply logical reasoning and analyze each and every situation we encounter in our life. Its usually active when we are carrying out our day to day activities which require us to be in full waking state. Whenever we encounter something in our lives this part of mind quickly analyzes the situation and through logical analysis depending on our past experiences, memories & belief patterns triggers an associated emotional response and then either accepts or rejects the situation. This mind has limited power but most of our life we usually work through this level and so most of the time we feel stuck, as if unable to move on and sometimes absolute helpless.
Subconscious mind
Now this is the majority of our mind i.e., 88% of our mind. This part of the mind is like a huge and infinite reservoir of possibilities that holds within most powerful forces in the universe. It this region of mind where all our memories , past experiences, and belief patterns are stored in a very sophisticated manner much like a filing system used to store records in any organization so that later they can be retrieved easily and quickly without any trouble. A part of this mind also contains all the memory records of our previous lifetimes. This part of the mind is always recording 24X7, without fail.
Subconscious mind usually become active when practically our physical body relaxes like sleep or in a state of deep relaxation (physical, mental, emotional). This part of mind takes care of our normal biological functions like breathing etc which are always carried out even without our conscious awareness and the system through which is all done is called Autonomous nervous system.
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tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01