Red is one of the most powerful colors found in an aura. It can be a positive or a negative element. Red represents the blood. It's a vibration of action with the ability to either attract or repel. Red Aura people are enthusiastic and energetic individuals, forever on the lookout for new adventures...
Red Aura people are enthusiastic and energetic individuals, forever on the lookout for new adventures. They are adventurous with food, travel and sexual partners. The mantra of the Red Aura color individual is “I’ll try anything once.” Because of their devil-may-care approach to life they often find themselves in hot water. Red Aura people are quick to anger and can lose their temper over the slightest thing. But on the upside they are generous with their time and energy when called upon for help.
They are normally strong in body and mind and do not succumb to physical or mental illness easily. Because of their robust health and fitness the Red Aura individual likes to be physical and will excel in sports. People with a predominant red Aura color can easily become bored and need to move on to different interests, projects and relationships. Because then they leave lots of unfinished ventures in their wake. But if they set their mind to a project and can stick to it, they will have remarkable success and can become extremely wealthy.
Red Aura people are direct, to the point and forthright and are not afraid to make their point of view heard. They don’t normally have hidden agendas or ulterior motives. What you see is what you get with the open and up front Red Aura individual. Above all else the Red Aura individual needs to be number one. Their competitive nature and need to succeed will drive them towards great success in life. They are not good team players and won’t take orders from others. Because then they will prefer to run their own one man business or be in positions of authority over others.
What is energy body?Our body is energy. Emitting radiation, it also receives radiation. Our every physical and mental action requires a certain energy potential and redirection of energy by physical and psychological means. The circulation of blood, liquids, gases and electricity in the body are energy processes.
Bioenergy HealingHealing with bioenergy has been around for thousands of years and is known around the world. This safe, simple and incredibly successful healing method is a phenomenon that has helped over a million people worldwide.
John Raphael and the tower treePeter Hume, a bingo caller from Birmingham, England, started having a very specific dreams about life on guard duty at the Scottish border in 1646. He was a foot soldier of Cromwell’s army and his name was John Raphael....
tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01