Mysticism is "a constellation of distinctive practices, discourses, texts, institutions, traditions, and experiences aimed at human transformation, variously defined in different traditions.
The term "mysticism" has Ancient Greek origins with various historically determined meanings. Derived from the Greek word μυω, meaning "to conceal",[web 1] mysticism referred to the biblical liturgical, spiritual, and contemplative dimensions of early and medieval Christianity. During the early modern period, the definition of mysticism grew to include a broad range of beliefs and ideologies related to "extraordinary experiences and states of mind".
In modern times, "mysticism" has acquired a limited definition, with broad applications, as meaning the aim at the "union with the Absolute, the Infinite, or God". This limited definition has been applied to a wide range of religious traditions and practices, valuing "mystical experience" as a key element of mysticism.
Since the 1960s scholars have debated the merits of perennial and constructionist approaches in the scientific research of "mystical experiences"; the perennial position is now "largely dismissed by scholars". Because of its variable meanings, even in serious treatments, any definition of ‘mystical experience’ must be at least partly stipulative. Two, related, senses of ‘mystical experience’ will be presented, one in a wide definition reflecting a more general usage, and the second in a narrow definition suiting more specialized treatments of mysticism in philosophy.
Difference between magic and mysticismMysticism is a way of looking at the world, seeing all of creation as a mystery, and acknowledging that it is a mystery, and special for being mystical. Magic is the direct or indirect manipulation of reality by unseen or difficult to perceive ways.
Shocking secretScientists discoverd a shocking secret hidden beneath the easter island heads of Rapa Nui. The enduring image most of us have of the mysterious heads on Easter Island, are simply the huge heads....
History of black magicBlack magic- one of the strongest and powerful spiritual forces of the universe has become one of the most reliable and assuring source of solution to the people all over the world.
tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01