Pendulums come in all shapes and sizes. They are quite simply tools that help us detect our energetic field. They are tuned to subtle vibrations and a good chakra pendulum can help us clear, balance and heal our bodies. The chakra system is the field of gentle subtle energy that animates our physical bodies.
Tips for successful Pendulum useCleanse the energy around and within you. Do this by visualizing a cleansing shower of white light that envelopes you. Breathe. Slow steady breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth will calm and center you.
What the Pendulum can be used for?The pendulum can be used for choosing between alternatives in a relatively wide range of areas. To get an answer from the pendulum, simply ask any yes/no question about a specific thing that would be good for you, but only in areas where you have the right to make the decision.
Important things about the PendulumAs long as you keep your sights on the fact that you are the pendulum, that your subconscious mind is really providing the answers, you avoid making the tool more important than the consciousness behind it.
Incorrect response from PendulumIf you start to work with the pendulum, and you are not getting clear swings on the answers, then go over what could be causing this. Ask the pendulum "Is there a more appropriate time?"....
Pendulum and healthPendulums are an excellent means for communicating with the spirit world. Sometimes, we need easy answers to things. A pendulum is usually accurate, easy to use and takes little time.
Pendulum can enhance intuitionThe pendulum can be thought of as an extension of the intuition, since it is used to gain access to information that exists at the subconscious level of the inner being.
Mounted Pendulum readingOne trick to clearing your mind is to repeat over and over and ask "What will the answer be"? "What will the answer be"? It is important that when you ask, you have nothing invested in the answer.
Two person Pendulum readingYour questions have to be phrased in a clear and specific manner. Your nervous system cannot translate an essay question and expect and answer from the pendulum.
Pendulum ritualsA Pendulum or Pendy can be anything weighted suspended on string, rope or ribbon. A Pendulum can be made of brass, copper, glass, wood, almost anything. The shape is best if the bottom is pointed.
Creating your own PendulumAnyone can use a pendulum. The more you use it , the more adept at it you will become. The more your mind and your ego stay out of the way, the more successful and accurate the results will be.
What is a Pendulum reading?Pendulums can be made of different materials, some people using a simple necklace with a crystal or charm at the end. Once you select your pendulum you are ready to begin.