As long as you keep your sights on the fact that you are the pendulum, that your subconscious mind is really providing the answers, you avoid making the tool more important than the consciousness behind it.
Keep your pendulum in a safe and special place to help maintain your vibration on, in and through the pendulum. It is better if you don't allow other people to handle your pendulum. You want to keep it as much in tune with your vibration as possible. (If you do let other people handle your pendulum, the worst that can happen is that you may have to re-establish the yes/no response.) The number one reason for inaccurate pendulum reading is vague and faulty wording of the question.
The number two reason is your psychological state, the thoughts, emotions, feelings, images, desires, hope, wishes, etc. that vibrate in and through your psyche. These things can influence the answer. The third source of pendulum inaccuracy is lack of patience. Approach the pendulum one day at a time. Watch, wait, see and try again. Inaccuracy occurs when there is lack of concentration. Practice focusing on the questions until you are able to concentrate and hold your attention steady during the time you are working with your pendulum.
In the beginning there is a tendency to consult the pendulum every time you have to make a decision. At that point the pendulum stops being a tool for cultivating intuitive perception and starts becoming a mental-emotional-spiritual crutch. Do not depend on it to the exclusion of your own common sense. The pendulum is not designed to predict the future.
This is because future events are not set in stone, but are determined by people's free will. It is only possible to predict the future to the extent that you know what future choices people are most likely to want to make. A pendulum can help you predict future events only to the extent that you yourself understand what the possibilities are.
In other words, it can help you select among the possibilities you are already aware of. But when other people's choices are part of the possibilities, free will comes in and increases the variables to the extent that it becomes impossible to predict what people will choose to do. Use the pendulum wisely to develop awareness, perception and intuition. These skills of consciousness are within and only need to be brought out through repeated use. The pendulum is only one way to help bring them out.
Pendulum for chakra balancingPendulums come in all shapes and sizes. They are quite simply tools that help us detect our energetic field. They are tuned to subtle vibrations and a good chakra pendulum can help us clear, balance and heal our bodies. The chakra system is the field of gentle subtle energy that animates our physical bodies.
Tips for successful Pendulum useCleanse the energy around and within you. Do this by visualizing a cleansing shower of white light that envelopes you. Breathe. Slow steady breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth will calm and center you.
What the Pendulum can be used for?The pendulum can be used for choosing between alternatives in a relatively wide range of areas. To get an answer from the pendulum, simply ask any yes/no question about a specific thing that would be good for you, but only in areas where you have the right to make the decision.
tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01