The indigo child is here to bring us closer to our true essence. We think our minds are separate because of our bodies. These children know differently. A true indigo travels comfortably between worlds usually at night when we think they're asleep. Our thoughts and feelings are not our own.
Indigo Children allegedly have special psychological and spiritual attributes. The indigo child concept was first popularized by the book The Indigo Children, written by the husband and wife team of Lee Carroll and Jan Tober. He claims to have learned of the concept via conversations with a spiritual entity he calls "Kryon." The adjective "indigo" is used because it is claimed these children appear with an indigo-hued aura. There is no scientific basis whatsoever for the concept of an "aura," let alone an "indigo child".
Those who support the concept claim the proportion of 'indigos' in recent times to be very large and increasing, rising from 85% in 1992 to 95% at some point after 1994. In previous decades the proportion is claimed to have been much lower. There are, however, no verfiable statistics to back these claims up, let alone a methodology for identifying or classifying an "indigo child."
The concept of indigo children gained popular interest with the publication of a series of books in the late 1990s and the release of several films in the following decade. A variety of books, conferences and related materials have been created surrounding belief in the idea of indigo children and their nature and abilities. The interpretations of these beliefs range from their being the next stage in human evolution, in some cases possessing paranormal abilities such as telepathy, to the belief that they are more empathetic and creative than their peers.
Although Carroll states that while most of the traits of indigos are physically observable (there is no evidence of this), the indigo child concept is also metaphysical in nature. Carroll describes himself as a channeller for Kryon, a supposed angelic being that he claims exists. One of the book's six chapters focuses on the supposed spiritual aspects of claimed indigos, and includes information that is best classified as new age metaphysical or pseudoscientific. Some individuals believe the "arrival" of these supposed indigo children is wholly a spiritual phenomenon, and that indigo children are supposedly the beginning of a new hybrid, possibly alien. Spiritual author Doreen Virtue has also written books on this topic and another group of children called Crystal Children.
According to Carroll and Tober, "the Indigo Child is a boy or girl who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before." They assert these children are often misdiagnosed with Attention-Deficit Disorder or Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and they advise parents to avoid medicating these children for that condition despite warnings from legitimate doctors. This pattern, they claim, has unique factors that call on parents and teachers to change their treatment and upbringing of these children in order to assist them in achieving balance and harmony in their lives, and to help them avoid frustration.
he title "indigo children" was originally given to people with the ten attributes described below who were mainly born in the period from 1975 through 1995. Some sources use the term "crystal children" to describe indigos at a young age (younger than age 7); and some state that the children being born today (after the year 2000) are "crystal children" who are more sensitive and spiritually connected than the indigos, who they claim are more warrior-like in nature. Carroll and Tober have not detailed why their classification is particularly more useful or accurate than approaches based on conventional child psychology and sociology; rather, they claim the list was "channeled" by Carroll from a mystical entity they call Kryon. I am not much into metaphysical channeling.
Alleged indigo children are often the offspring of "new age" parents. Exposed to new age thinking, it might be taken as unsurprising that the children possess a greater fluency of 'spiritual language' than earlier generations. Having been told that the vast majority of children are now "indigos", new age parents in fear of suppressing this 'special' generation may be encouraging behaviors that would otherwise have been thought antisocial. The traits listed by the authors could be interpreted as simple arrogance and selfish individualism if not backed up by evidence of above-average spiritual awareness (compassion, love, desire for harmony, etc.) by the child designated as "indigo".
Just as many people tend towards astrology because it presents believers with complimentary accounts of themselves, critics of the indigo children concept claim that parents relate to the hypothesis because it provides a more flattering conclusion about their children than that of conventional science.
The schema of a very gifted person being troubled during childhood is common in Western society, and parents may prefer to believe a child who has trouble fitting in is especially gifted rather than suffering from a condition like ADD. Some claim the labeling of a child as "indigo" is irresponsible as it may keep children shielded from scientific diagnosis, and for increasing the pressure on already struggling children by unrealistically raising parental expectation.
Supporters of the theory argue that there is little benefit in discussing this theory with skeptics. According to this argument, skeptics are already determined to disbelieve anything associated with the new-age movement, and thus exhibit systemic bias. Believers point to interviews done with the "indigo" children and their parents, and observations of the children, as proof of the validity of the idea of "indigo" children. They may also use the example of Kirlian photography (itself under debate) as evidence of "auras".
Many children labeled indigo by their parents are diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)and Tober and Carroll's book The Indigo Children linked the concept with diagnosis of ADHD. David Cohen points out that labeling a child an indigo is an alternative to a diagnosis that implies mental illness, which may appeal to many parents. Cohen has stated, "The view in medicine is that ADHD is a defect. It's a disorder. If you're a parent, the idea of 'gifted' is much more appealing than the idea of a disorder." Linking the concept of indigo children with the distaste for the use of Ritalin to control ADHD, Robert Todd Carroll states "The hype and near-hysteria surrounding the use of Ritalin has contributed to an atmosphere that makes it possible for a book like Indigo Children to be taken seriously.
Given the choice, who wouldn't rather believe their children are special and chosen for some high mission rather than that they have a brain disorder?" Stephen Hinshaw, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, states that concerns regarding the overmedicalization of children are legitimate but even gifted children with ADHD learn better with more structure rather than less, even if the structure initially causes difficulties. Many labeled as indigo children are or have been home schooled.[8] Many children labeled as indigo children have the same identifying criteria as those children who have experienced being raised by a narcissistic parent, and are considered to have been emotionally abused.
Spirituality quotes from Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein was a German-born physicist who developed the general theory of relativity, among other feats. He is considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century. He completely changed the way we understand the behavior of things as basic as light, gravity, and time.
Our mind in weird situationsPerhaps you've lived this moment before. Perhaps you're seeing yourself at a distance, as never before. Anomalous experiences are real and life-changing. That doesn't mean they occur outside your own head.
Astral projectionReality is created by thought projection (consciousness) into the physical gird. There are 5 subtle bodies In astral projection the conscious mind leaves the physical body and moves into the astral body to experience. In astral projection you remain attached to your physical body by a 'silver umbilical type cord'.
tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01