300 000 Credits
Birth chart
All details about the birht chart, how you can use it, hot it can help you, how it's made and else, you can read in the section "Astrology".
Please fill only the fields you know, as accurate as possible. Leave the fields you're not sure empty
or select "not sure". Data you're not sure of or any additional data/infos you'd like to leave our experts,
you can put in the extra field. Please be sure to doublecheck the given data before sending.
The price for the birth chart is 300.000 credits for regular users, and 150.000 credits for Superusers.
It usually takes 24 hours after sending the request, for your birth chart to be compleated, but not longer than 3 days
(in case of extra questions and demandings). You will get your birth chart in your inbox, here on .
Your personal data you enter will be treated confidentially and used for this purpose only.