There are different spreads used by card readers and are interpreted through symbolism and imagery, but there is no standard layout. The Celtic Cross is one of the most detailed and complex spreads used.
Celtic Cross
The Celtic Cross Layout-Tarot layout known as the Celtic Cross is one of the most detailed and complex spreads used. It's a good one to use when you have a specific question that needs to be answered, because it takes you, step by step, through all the different aspects of the situation. Basically, it deals with one issue at a time, and by the end of the reading, when you reach that final card, you should have gotten through all the many facets of the problem at hand.
The Romany Spread-Romany Tarot spread is a simple one, and yet it reveals a surprising amount of information. This is a good spread to use if you are just looking for a general overview of a situation, or if you have several different interconnected issues that you're trying to resolve. This is a fairly free-form spread, which leaves a lot of room for flexibility in your interpretations
The Pentagram Spread-Pentagram is a five-pointed star sacred to many Pagans and Wiccans, and within this magical symbol you'll find a number of different meanings. Think about the very concept of a star -- it is a source of light, blazing in the darkness. It is something physically very far away from us, and yet how many of us have wished upon one when we saw it up in the sky? The star itself is magical. Within the pentagram, each of the five points has a meaning. They symbolize the four classical elements -- Earth, Air, Fire and Water -- as well as Spirit, which is sometimes referred to as the fifth element. Each of these aspects is incorporated into this Tarot card layout.
The Seven Card Horseshoe Spread-one of the most popular spreads in use today is the Seven Card Horseshoe spread. Although it utilizes seven different cards, it’s actually a fairly basic spread. Each card is positioned in a way that connects to different aspects of the problem or situation at hand.
Psychology of the Major ArcanaTarot cards are a form of divination which assist in allowing a sneak peek into a potential future. A common misconception is that the future is set in stone, and when the cards fall- that is your fate. It may be a bit unorthodox to the orthodox tarot reader...
History of TarotThe tarot is the mirror that reflects back to you the hidden aspects of your unique awareness. Tarot is one tool which shows us to rely on the wisdom of our inner guide.
Transurfing TarotAlso known as Tarocchi dello Spazio delle Varianti. Nobody forbids you to choose the destination of your liking. Getting to the destination, boils down to something very simple: make the choice. Transurfing answers the question "how?".
tatamata, Monday, 21.11.2016 / 9:01